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Greetings - Here are some Reminders:

1) please refer to the materials that were emailed to you - Prep and Recipes
2) if your bowel movements slow down - drink your Smooth Move Tea or some natural laxative - often this will release 1-2 pounds and get you back on track
3) no oil on food or body - Aveeno Lotion & shower gel - recommended use is Daily Moisturizer
4) no cheating:  no sweeties, no fried/white or processed foods, carbs including pasta - grill meat (no bake, fried or broiled), you can grill veggies or saute in water or apple cider vinegar
5) Water, Water, Water and more Water
6) follow the program - it works when you work it
7) the week you are ending - contact us via email so we can go over maintenance - - this phase is key to KEEPING it OFF - stay away from sweeties, fried/white or processed foods, carbs including pasta at least 3-wks after finishing program - then minimize/limit this type of food maybe to weekends - use the recipes you were sent
8) if doing the program over a holiday - contact us that week so we can go over what to do and not do

9) if you still have a cycle, first 3-days stop taking, resume on 4th day - continue to eat the same
10) please take your before and after picture and email or post to our FB page
11) let us know if it is ok to post to your picture on our FB page ( and or this site  (
12) on your 2 load days - eat til your heart is content - then eat 1 more thing - a good load is about a 2lb gain - the better load the less likely you  will have the small hunger cramps and headaches
13) no exercise while on program - a light 30min walk is ok - you can start a more dedicated and intense workout 1 wk after program ends
14) keep us posted of good and challenges

15) inbox, text, email us IMMEDIATELY with your status if you weigh yourself any morning and you have not lost or have gained - I'm sure it will be a easy fix
16) try not to eat out - even if grilled or steamed, you don't know how it was cooked
17) if you will be doing the program again - you must wait 5-6wks between - this is one reason why your maintenance is key - ordering mutliple bottles at the same time save you a great deal
18) finish your program (the bottle) - e.g., even if your goal is 20lbs - do the full 30 days - this will give you 5-10 pounds grace
19) celebrate your success with a gift to yourself - new dress, suit, jeans - something you have wanted but would not  have worn because of the extra weight
20) if you know people who desire to lose weight, take off baby birthing weight, are stuck at a weight and cannot lose anymore, PLEASE refer the program (me)/email or website to them: friends, family, co-workers, men and women

You can DO THIS.  Lay aside the weight.  Finish and Finish STRONG! 


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