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The medical term for HCG is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is a natural water-based hormone present in both men and women, although it is produced in great amounts in pregnant females. In non-pregnant persons, research suggests HCG similarly increases the metabolism similar to a pregnant female. 


HCG is a hormone naturally produced in the body. It has many functions and is used medically to treat a variety of conditions. It is known as the pregnancy hormone.  When used as such, the dosage is much greater and extended over a creator length of time; strictly under a medical doctor's care. 


During pregnancy, HCG is produced in the placenta of the pregnant woman. It allows the fetus to access its mother’s stored nutrients. The HCG liquefies the contents of the fat cells, where the fetus to absorb the nutrients through the blood stream.


In overweight people, HCG seeks out the stored nutrients in the fat cells. Liquefying the content of the fat cell, these nutrients are then flushed through the bloodstream. This naturally stored energy supplies the body with upwards to 2000 calories per day. While burning this stored energy, the body’s energy level increases and appetite decreases. The cells are emptied and shrunk down to sizes much smaller than normal cells. Therefore, inches, as well as pounds are lost on the program.  These cells are released in your urine.  Water is key to HCG.



HCG is proving to be safe. Women may experience extremely high levels of hCG during pregnancy with no adverse affects. Currently there are no known established clinical side effects to homeopathic remedies and medicines but as with any weight loss program we recommend that you consult with a doctor before starting this program. Some patients have complained of leg cramps.  A non-oil (liquid) supplement of magnesium or potassium resolves this issues.  Also some have shared having "hunger" headaches in the 1st week of the plan but as their body adjusts they usually go away. This is theorized to be part of the detox (when weight loss occurs) stage.  It has been found that by properly loading up in the first 2 load days of the program, the chances of headaches decrease. If you have any swelling, shortness of breath, dizziness or heavy redness consult a medical doctor or medical professional immediately.


What are the primary ingredient in your HCG Products

HCG, B12 and Magnesium


Typically, it is very unhealthy to lose weight that fast. However, the HCG is what makes the difference in this protocol. HCG weight loss studies have shown that weight lost following the Simeons protocol comes directly from adipose fat tissue. It is not muscle nor is it the structural fat that your body needs that usually gets depleted during “dieting.” For this reason, HCG users report a feeling and appearance of great health and body form and marvel at the loss of negative health risks they had before. The protocol allows up to a 40 day of usage.  


Yes.  The hCG hormone is naturally present in men. It is found in every human tissue, including males, pregnant women, and non-pregnant women. Based on our customer results, as with many weight loss programs, men report faster results and tend to lose more weight than women.

Over 100 Pounds lost! 



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